Job Search

Why Job Searching While Starting a Business Is Totally Normal 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

Why Job Searching While Starting a Business Is Totally Normal

Starting a business is challenging in itself, but doing so while also searching for a job to support yourself and your family adds another layer of complexity. For me, it’s not just about pursuing a passion; it’s also about making ends meet and providing for my son. It’s a constant juggle between managing client projects,…

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Why Qualifications Don’t Define a Person’s Worth 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

Why Qualifications Don’t Define a Person’s Worth

The Role of Qualifications in Today’s Job Market Qualifications have long been considered the primary measure of a person’s abilities. In France, many jobs still require a BAC + 2, even for roles that don’t necessarily need it. This creates barriers for capable individuals lacking formal qualifications and raises the question: Are qualifications truly the…

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Navigating Job Search: The Human Side—We’re in This Together 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

Navigating Job Search: The Human Side—We’re in This Together

In today’s job market, it often feels like candidates are at the mercy of “the employer,” a faceless entity with specific expectations about what to include on a CV and how to present oneself. However, I believe it’s crucial to recognise that employers are human beings too, and they bring their own biases, experiences, and…

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The Subjective Side of Hiring: A Former Manager’s Honest Perspective 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

The Subjective Side of Hiring: A Former Manager’s Honest Perspective

Hiring isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Sure, employers look at qualifications and experience, but as a manager who has had to hire occasionally, I can tell you it’s a lot more subjective than that. Personal biases and individual preferences play a huge role in hiring managers’ decisions. Personal Biases at Play From my experience,…

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