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Nathalie Jamois

Why Job Searching While Starting a Business Is Totally Normal 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

Why Job Searching While Starting a Business Is Totally Normal

Starting a business is challenging in itself, but doing so while also searching for a job to support yourself and your family adds another layer of complexity. For me, it’s not just about pursuing a passion; it’s also about making ends meet and providing for my son. It’s a constant juggle between managing client projects,…

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Why Qualifications Don’t Define a Person’s Worth 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

Why Qualifications Don’t Define a Person’s Worth

The Role of Qualifications in Today’s Job Market Qualifications have long been considered the primary measure of a person’s abilities. In France, many jobs still require a BAC + 2, even for roles that don’t necessarily need it. This creates barriers for capable individuals lacking formal qualifications and raises the question: Are qualifications truly the…

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The Unseen Barriers of Hiring Practices in France 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

The Unseen Barriers of Hiring Practices in France

In France, the BAC (Baccalauréat) has always been a gatekeeper in the job market, often overshadowing the true potential of candidates. As someone who has lived and worked in the UK for thirty years, I’ve experienced firsthand how qualifications can sometimes hold less weight than actual skills and experience. Despite having a CAP in Graphic…

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Navigating Job Search: The Human Side—We’re in This Together 150 150 Nathalie Jamois

Navigating Job Search: The Human Side—We’re in This Together

In today’s job market, it often feels like candidates are at the mercy of “the employer,” a faceless entity with specific expectations about what to include on a CV and how to present oneself. However, I believe it’s crucial to recognise that employers are human beings too, and they bring their own biases, experiences, and…

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